Monday, May 23, 2016

You're Going to Leave

It's the story of my life after you left. Now I did not mean nothing to you and you also do not care about my life already.Every moment I can only see your reflection without being able to hear and feel your presence. After you left and it was impossible to go back again for me.

All memory of our little by little began to disappear but not for the promise that we have ever said. Promise that makes me continue to survive with wounds and giving spirit to survive.Once you know him, slowly you start to remove my name in your heart and you begin to carve his name. And now you used my name carved in your heart now been replaced with the name.Before you actually go away from me forever, the last word you say "I'm sorry dear we're not aligned?". That said blind I was crying behind my sleeves and at the same time you're sad start to care about my life.Until now you've no matter again with the sound of my cries, do not care about my pain. Now that I'm a nobody to you because I was not meant for you.

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